CIBF 2025: Welcome to the world of colorful Tamil writing

Chennai International Book Fair (CIBF) 2025: A Grand Literary Confluence

Following the outstanding achievements of the first and second editions of the Chennai International Book Fair (CIBF) in 2023 and 2024 respectively, Tamil Nadu is preparing to welcome this esteemed event for its third edition. With participants from more than 60 countries in the past two years and showcasing numerous publishers, CIBF has secured its place as a significant event in the global book fair and literary scene.

 The previous editions of the CIBF drew accolades from both Indian and international participants. The 2024 edition saw an astounding 700 Memorandums of Understanding signed between Tamil publishers and their global counterparts, furthering literary collaboration and cultural exchange. The international pavilion, a highlight of the fair, offered a truly global experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in diverse literary traditions.

 The Tamil Nadu government continues to support literary translation efforts with its enhanced translation grant program, providing comprehensive guidelines and streamlined applications for non-Tamil publishers interested in translating Tamil works. This initiative has been pivotal in promoting Tamil literature on the world stage.

The Chennai International Book Fair (CIBF) 2025 is set to take place in January 16 – 18, 2025 at the Chennai Trade Center in Nandambakkam. The event is organized by the Department of Public Libraries along with the Tamil Nadu Textbook Corporation and Educational Services, which are public institutions of the Government of Tamil Nadu. This year’s theme is “Time Travel with Tamil: From Classic to Modern,” highlighting the wealth of Tamil literature that has the potential to attract global readers.

CIBF 2025 is set to attract an even bigger audience of publishers, authors, literary agents, educators, librarians, researchers, students, illustrators, and aspiring writers from around the world. The event will feature a diverse range of activities such as conferences, panel discussions, workshops, and others.  For new, dedicated spaces for Children’s Books and Publishing Technologies are being organized to increase the experience for attendees.

This year, CIBF aims to enhance its ties between the East and West by uniting Tamil publishers along with those from India and around the world in Chennai. By leveraging its historical and geographical strengths, Chennai acts as a focal point for the convergence of both sides of the Asian continent. This suggests that rights will be shared across multiple languages in an atmosphere marked by the famous hospitality of Tamil culture and contemporary technological advancements.

Most importantly, all of these services are provided to participants at no charge. That’s right; there are no fees for any of CIBF’s programs for the trade visitors, whether it’s for entry, exhibiting, or participating in the rights hub and for conference attendance.

Event registration will commence soon. Register with us for updates, and be among the first to receive notifications about the event. Join us at CIBF 2025 and be part of a celebration of writing!

The fellowship was an incredible experience, filled with excitement and invaluable connections, learning more about the wonderful country and the people. I'm deeply grateful for the kindness and support, which made navigating this journey truly memorable.

Zanete Vevere Paskvalini (Latvia)

Literary Agent & Translator

The CIBF 2024 fellowship was exceptionally well-organized, providing invaluable networking opportunities with international and Indian publishers. I commend the team for their meticulous planning and hospitality.

Peter Dowling (New Zealand)

Architect - Oratia Media - Lativian Literature

To take part in the rights table, publishing conference, and translation grant program